Oh, how time flies!

And yet another month has gone by! Non-authoring things have been stealing my time, keeping me very busy, but I’ve still made good progress with my Wild Heritance Series.

Wild Heritance book 2 is nearly done with the beta reader feedback phase. Next I’ll work through final edits and revisions. And then I go into the publication process! I hope to have the cover reveal in about a month or so. Right now, I anticipate publishing the book later this year or early next.

The Wild Heritance novella will go into the beta reading phase next. I already have a cover concept for this one, but it’s not yet ready for a cover reveal. I anticipate publishing the novella later this year, possibly as soon as the beginning of September.

The draft for Wild Heritance book 3 is an estimated 30% done now — based on an anticipated length similar to that of books 1 and 2. I’m pleased with how it’s progressing. I already have a cover concept for this one too, but not yet ready for a cover reveal.