So many things going on simultaneously right now. I’m loving it.
Getting the last few details set for the publication of Duplicity of Power, book 1 in the Wild Heritance series. (Yay!)
Still working on pulling together the pages for Bye Bye Magpie – they’re looking great (thanks to the artist)!
Some minor revising of the novella in the Wild Heritance series – getting close to ready for beta readers on that one.
Starting the first revision of book 2 in the same series – and have already added two new chapters.
And finally, getting myself ready — mentally more than anything else — for NaNoWriMo. My plan (right now) is to work on the draft of book 1 for my fantasy trilogy (a different series than the Wild Heritance series). I’m hoping to get most of that written during NaNoWriMo. Looking forward to November 1!