So, I’m a logophile. Who knew there was actually a word for someone who loves words and language!
I like playing around with words, testing alternate pronunciations to decide which one I like, exploring the differences in British and American spellings. I like plunging into the thesaurus… to find just the right word with just the right nuance for what I’m trying to say in my writing… or to just explore all the differently-nuanced words that kinda, sorta mean the same thing – but not quite.
I like putting together different spellings for the various sounds found in spoken languages. I often use that to create names – one way my logophile inclinations show up in my stories. But in my poetry is where I really get to play with words. Making blend words, maybe even a portmanteau. (And there’s a lovely word!) Mixing words and sentences so sometimes the poem can read one way and sometimes another. Playing around.
And here’s a marvelous new word (to me) that I just came across: aptronym. Might have to use that one somewhere. 😊
Too much fun!